Fun Quotes

Quotes, quotes, quotes – in no particular order.  Some have to do with writing, some have to do with living, some are from writers, some are from fictional characters but I believe they are all relevant for this journey.


“In the context of novel writing,…you should lower the bar from ‘best-seller’ to ‘would not make someone vomit.'” (Baty 2004:33)


“A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.” (Bruce Lee)


“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” (George Eliot)


“They gave tongue to interesting thoughts of my own soul, which had frequently flashed through my mind, and died away for want of utterance.” (Frederick Douglass)


“The future is what you make it, so make it a good one.” (“Dr. Emmett Brown,” Back to the Future, Part III)


“You have to choose it, you see…if you don’t want magic, you’ll never see it again.  You’ll live in a rational world in which everything can be explained.  But if you choose it — well, it’s like stepping off the sidewalk into the street.  The world still looks the same, on the surface, but you can be hit by a truck at any second.  That’s magic.” (“John Constantine,” Books of Magic)


“If you allow yourself to feel the way you really feel, maybe you won’t be afraid of that feeling anymore.” (“Death,” The High Cost of Living)


“There are some defeats more triumphant than victories.” (Michel de Montaigne)


“The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you’re un-cool.” (“Lester,” Almost Famous)


“Tomorrow’s not promised and yesterday you can’t have back.” (Anson Rhodes)


“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” (Henry David Thoreau, Walden)


“All the bullshit of life aside, if you’re not living happily ever after, there’s something wrong.” (Danny Fields)


“When I made one simple realization – that I could control the way I wrote, that I was in charge of the muse and not the other way around – everything in my life changed. I moved the “Writing” box to a different part of my brain, and then I began shuffling around all the boxes…So what happened when I moved the “Writing” box inside my brain? I realized that I was in control. I decide when I am going to write, and I make myself write, even if I don’t want to. There is nothing magical about writing. It is wonderful, wonderful, difficult, mind-numbing work…But no matter what, it’s always work, it’s always a choice, and nobody ever sprinkles fairy dust on my laptop.” (Amanda Hocking, “My Lack of Pixie Dust,” April 12, 2012,


“The desire to write grows with writing.” (Desiderius Erasmus)


“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” (Audrey Hepburn <– one of my favorite actresses of all time)


“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)


“Write it.  Shoot it.  Publish it.  Crochet it, sauté it, whatever.  MAKE.”  (Joss Whedon, on being creative)


“The scariest moment is always just before you start.” (Stephen King)

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